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Webinario BSBF – Episode 1 – Astronomy: strategies, roadmaps and development programmes

06 Oct 2021

Astronomy tries to provide answers to some of mankind’s most basic questions: how did the Universe origin and how can we explain its fundamental physics? What is behind the formation of galaxies? Are we alone in the Universe? The key to providing answers to these enigmas are international scientific collaboration and ambitious international endeavours to build large astronomical observatories, as some BSBF2022 members can prove. ESO is currently building the Extremely Large Telescope, a revolutionary ground-based telescope that will be the largest visible and infrared light telescope in the world. The Square Kilometre Array Observatory, another member of BSBF2022, kicks of its construction this year with the objective of becoming the world’s largest radio telescope. ESA among other projects is involved in the James Webb Space Telescope, the next great space science observatory following Hubble. Other exciting projects such as CTAO in high energy physics and the EST in the field of solar astronomy are in different degrees of implementation.

In this webinar, featuring prominent speakers from ESA, ESO, SKAO, EST and CTAO, we take a step ahead and identify the technologies that will drive these and other organisations’ future projects, taking a look at their strategies for the future and their research and development programmes, and how industry can get involved.

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6 octubre 2021
09:30 - 12:00
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