The University of Valencia and the Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the Campus of Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship #LLAMP#5UCV.
In order to achieve their common objectives, the Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer has announced the UVemprén LAB entrepreneurship grants, an intensive training program in “development of business ideas” aimed at doctoral students of the University of Valencia who have a business idea. The objective is to accelerate entrepreneurial projects of students with a validated business model or support the development of a minimum viable product or service without having the company established. Any student interested in innovation, service design and innovative learning can participate.
The program is structured in two phases to be held between May 22 and 26.
- The first phase will consist of a series of training workshops on entrepreneurship aimed at developing the business ideas of the participants.
- The second phase will focus on the presentation of the entrepreneurial projects in a public session for evaluation by the Evaluation Commission. Three projects will be selected from among those presented, so that the first one selected will receive an economic aid of 5,000 € while the other two will receive an aid of 2,500 € each.
It will be possible to participate individually or in teams of 2 to 5 people. Places are limited.
More information at: https://www.uv.es/uv-emprende/es/empren-lab/presentacion.html