Artificial Intelligence and
Big Data
We have a great experience of developing innovative advanced artificial intelligence algorithms using machine learning and deep learning techniques, as well as in the treatment of massive digital data thanks to the knowledge acquired in projects such as ATLAS of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of CERN or experiments related to neutrino physics, such as NEXT, DUNE or T2K.
This framework has delivered considerable progress in improving the applications in medical physics, a field where IFIC reinforces its presence through its patent rights and his close collaboration with private companies and hospitals.
In addition, we count with ARTEMISA, a singular technological infrastructure in the Comunidad Valenciana to the highly efficient computing of advanced artificial intelligence modeling techniques and big data.

- New methods to data access, data reduction and data selection to detect rare events
- Energy demand forecasting
- Solar storms forecasting
- Early detection of induced earthquakes
Business sectors of application
The application of these technologies is numerous and ubiquitous. Our researches have provided useful tools for some sectors such as:
- Particle accelerator
- Security
- Critical infrastructures
- Education
- Traffic
- Food industry
- Digitalization of health data
- Science Industry
Of interest to
Any company or organization which requires analyze and evaluate a high volume of data by releasing its full potential to improve their products, their production system or the experience of their consumers.