The KM3NeT detector, submerged in the Mediterranean, ‘captures’ the highest-energy neutrino detected to date.

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, an international collaboration involving the CSIC reported in Nature the detection of the highest-energy neutrino observed to date, captured by the KM3NeT detector, submerged in the Mediterranean Sea. This elusive elementary particle is extremely difficult to observe and of unknown origin. The discovery highlights the potential of this experiment to study the cosmos through neutrinos, the second most abundant particle in the universe after photons.

This significant discovery, featured on the cover of the prestigious scientific journal, provides the first evidence that neutrinos of such high energies are produced in the universe, although their origin remains unknown. Several Spanish scientific groups participate in KM3NeT, including the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), a joint center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Valencia, as well as the Joint Unit of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography of the CSIC and the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

On February 13, 2023, the ARCA detector of the KM3NeT underwater neutrino telescope detected an extraordinary event associated with a neutrino with an estimated energy of about 220 PeV (220,000 trillion electronvolts, far exceeding the particles produced by CERN’s LHC). This event, named KM3-230213A, refers to the most energetic neutrino ever observed and provides the first evidence that neutrinos of such high energies are produced in the universe. After a long and meticulous process of data analysis and interpretation, the KM3NeT collaboration is now sharing details of this unprecedented discovery in an article published in Nature.

The detected event was identified as a muon (an elementary particle related to the electron) that traversed the entire detector, triggering signals in more than a third of the sensors. The inclination of its trajectory, along with its enormous energy, provides compelling evidence that the muon originated from a cosmic neutrino interacting near the detector.

“KM3NeT has begun to explore an energy and sensitivity range where detected neutrinos can be produced in extreme astrophysical phenomena. This first detection of a neutrino in the hundreds of PeV range opens a new chapter in neutrino astronomy and a new observational window into the universe,” says Paschal Coyle, KM3NeT spokesperson at the time of detection and researcher at the IN2P3/CNRS Particle Physics Center in Marseille, France.

Neutrinos: The most mysterious elementary particles

The high-energy universe is the domain of colossal events such as supermassive black holes, supernova explosions, and gamma-ray bursts—phenomena that remain only partially understood. These powerful cosmic accelerators generate streams of particles known as cosmic rays, which can interact with surrounding matter to produce neutrinos and photons. As they travel through the universe, the most energetic cosmic rays can interact with photons from the cosmic microwave background radiation—the first light after the birth of the cosmos—creating extremely energetic neutrinos known as cosmogenic neutrinos.

“Neutrinos are among the most mysterious elementary particles. They have no electric charge, almost no mass, and interact only weakly with matter. They are special cosmic messengers that provide us with unique information about the mechanisms involved in the most energetic phenomena and allow us to explore the farthest reaches of the universe,” explains Rosa Coniglione, deputy spokesperson of KM3NeT at the time of detection and researcher at Italy’s National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN).

Although neutrinos are the second most abundant particle in the universe—surpassed only by the photons that make up light—their extremely weak interaction with matter makes them incredibly difficult to detect, requiring massive detectors. The KM3NeT neutrino telescope, currently under construction, is a vast deep-sea infrastructure consisting of two detectors, ARCA and ORCA. KM3NeT uses seawater as an interaction medium to detect neutrinos. Its high-tech optical modules capture Cherenkov light, a bluish glow produced when ultrarelativistic particles, resulting from neutrino interactions, propagate through water.

This ultra-high-energy neutrino could have originated directly from a powerful cosmic accelerator. Alternatively, it might be the first detection of a cosmogenic neutrino. However, based on a single neutrino, it is difficult to draw conclusions about its origin, as the scientists in the collaboration point out. Future observations will focus on detecting more such events to build a clearer picture. The ongoing expansion of KM3NeT with additional detection units and the acquisition of new data will enhance its sensitivity and increase its ability to identify cosmic neutrino sources, establishing KM3NeT as a key player in multimessenger astronomy.

Spanish contribution at KM3NeT

The KM3NeT collaboration brings together more than 360 scientists, engineers, technicians, and students from 68 institutions across 22 countries worldwide. In Spain, participating institutions include the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), a joint center of the CSIC and the University of Valencia; the Joint Unit of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) of the CSIC and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV); the IGIC of the Polytechnic University of Valencia; the University of Granada; and the LAB of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Spanish participation in neutrino telescopes began three decades ago when a small group of researchers from IFIC joined the initiative to build the first underwater neutrino telescope, ANTARES, which started collecting data in the mid-2000s. Juan José Hernández Rey, CSIC research professor at IFIC and deputy spokesperson for ANTARES during its construction and initial operation, recalls: “At that time, the technical feasibility of installing such an instrument on the seabed was still unproven. The only previous attempt, a U.S. project, was ultimately canceled.” ANTARES, which operated for 16 years before being recently dismantled, paved the way for future projects.

Shortly after ANTARES became operational, the design of an even larger telescope, KM3NeT, began. Currently in the installation phase, KM3NeT is already capable of collecting data in its partial configuration. “The Spanish groups within KM3NeT, in addition to contributing to the construction of several telescope components, cover various research areas: multimessenger astronomy, dark matter searches, neutrino oscillation studies, and the search for new physics through neutrinos,” explains Professor Juan de Dios Zornoza Gómez of the University of Valencia, coordinator of the Spanish groups in KM3NeT. “We are also working on understanding the implications of this extraordinary event and deepening our knowledge of it.”

The participation of Spanish groups in KM3NeT is funded by various programs from the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, as well as European and regional programs (Generalitat Valenciana and Junta de Andalucía). The CSIC’s active contribution to KM3NeT reflects Spain’s strong commitment to advancing scientific research and technological development of large international infraestructures.

Neutrino Astronomy

The field of neutrino astronomy is rapidly expanding, and Spanish researchers are confident that, with the full installation of KM3NeT’s two detectors, ARCA and ORCA, new light will be shed on the mystery of the origin of cosmic neutrinos. “Determining the direction and energy of this neutrino required precise calibration of the telescope and sophisticated track reconstruction algorithms. Moreover, this extraordinary detection was achieved with only one-tenth of the detector’s final configuration, demonstrating the great potential of our experiment for neutrino studies and neutrino astronomy,” says Aart Heijboer, KM3NeT’s Physics and Software Coordinator at the time of detection and a researcher at the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef) in the Netherlands.


Miembros del equipo VEGA del IFIC, junto a uno de los elementos del detector ANTARES, antecesor de KM3NeT. De izquierda a  derecha, fila posterior: Juan Zúñiga, David Calvo, Francisco Salesa, Diego Real, Mario Manzaneda, Juan de Dios Zornoza, Juan  Palacios, Adrian Saina, Emilio Pastor, Alfonso García, Alfonso Lazo, Rebecca Gozzini, Vincent Cecchini, Agustín Sánchez; fila  anterior: Jorge Prado, Nadja Lessing, Juan José Hernández, Adriana Bariego, Sergio Alves.

Members of VEGA, alongside one of the elementes of ANTARES detector, the predecessor of KM3NeT. From left to right, back: Juan Zúñiga, David Calvo, Francisco Salesa, Diego Real, Mario Manzaneda, Juan de Dios Zornoza, Juan Palacios, Adrian Saina, Emilio Pastor, Alfonso García, Alfonso Lazo, Rebecca Gozzini, Vincent Cecchini, Agustín Sánchez; Front: Jorge Prado, Nadja Lessing, Juan José Hernández, Adriana Bariego, Sergio Alves.



The KM3NeT Collaboration. Observation of an ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrino with KM3NeT. Nature, 2025. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08543-1

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New ARTEMISA infrastructure call for artificial intelligence calculations

The new call for applications to use the Artemisa infrastructure for research work requiring artificial intelligence and machine learning calculations will be open from 8 January to 5 February of 2025.

In this call, all research groups from Spanish public universities and public research organisations may apply for the use of the infrastructure.

Artemisa currently has 23 servers each hosting an NVIDIA Volta V100 GPU, 11 servers with an NVIDIA Ampere A100 GPU and one server with 8 NVIDIA Ampere A100 GPUs. The servers are especially suited for artificial intelligence computations. In addition to these servers, which are to be used in batch mode, two interfaces are available where users can pre-test their programs. It also has a state-of-the-art storage system and state-of-the-art CPUs.

Groups wishing to use Artemisa should apply on its website: href=””>

following the instructions given therein.

Applications will be evaluated by a committee that will take into account the scientific interest of the proposals, the track record of the proposing group, the suitability of the calculations to the use of Artemisa resources, in particular the use of artificial intelligence, and the availability of infrastructure. Additionally, its social impact may be taken into account, especially if the objectives of the project are included in the RIS3 priority matrix of the Valencian Region.

ARTEMISA is co-financed by the European Union and the Conselleria d’Educació, Universitats i Ocupació of the Generalitat Valenciana through the project IDIFEDER/2018/048 of the Operational Programme ERDF 2014-2020 of the Comunitat Valenciana. With the support of the Ministry MCIU with funds from the European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I01) and the Generalitat Valenciana (ASFAE/2022/024).



The IFIC to Host Spain’s First Hadron Therapy Research Infrastructure Based on a Carbon Ion Accelerator

Source: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation News

  • The Minister of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Diana Morant, closed an event on December 13 at the Corpuscular Physics Institute (IFIC) where an agreement was signed for the transfer of land from the University of Valencia (UV) to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). This transfer will enable the initiation of the first phase of a project to build a hadron therapy facility based on a carbon ion accelerator.
  • Morant emphasized that the Government of Spain “is making the largest investment in history in research aimed at curing diseases such as cancer.”

The Minister also announced that the Government will invest €21.8 million in Spain’s first hadron therapy research infrastructure based on a carbon ion accelerator. This pioneering technology, located at the IFIC, will play a critical role in the fight against cancer.

“Very few countries in the world are researching this promising technology. Today is a special day to send a clear message to the public: we are making the largest investment in history to research diseases like cancer,” Morant declared.

This announcement was made during the event where the agreement for land transfer from the UV to the CSIC was formalized. The project’s first phase focuses on constructing a carbon ion accelerator, with the IFIC serving as the host for this groundbreaking research facility.

The proposal at IFIC, a joint center of the CSIC and UV, involves developing a linear injector accelerator for carbon ions (C6+) with an energy of at least 10 megaelectronvolts per nucleon (MeV/n). This will form the initial stage of a comprehensive carbon ion facility. Once operational, this research infrastructure will support preclinical biomedical studies and radiobiology research.

Hadron Therapy: A Promising Cancer Treatment

Hadron therapy using protons or carbon ions is emerging as one of the most effective future therapies in radiological cancer treatments. It enables precise irradiation of tumor tissues with minimal damage to healthy tissue, a critical advantage in treating pediatric cases and radio-resistant tumors.

Government Commitment to Innovative Technology

In her address, Minister Morant underlined the Government’s commitment to fostering disruptive technologies and supporting innovative enterprises, acting as an entrepreneurial state.

“Where the market does not reach, public investment steps in. That is why it is essential to value our country’s public science. Through public administration and citizens’ taxes, we are investing in future technologies that do not yet exist,” she explained.

She also highlighted that “this project is a testament to the Government of Spain’s public service mission and its conviction that there will be no progress or future without science.”

Morant praised the contributions of institutions involved in the project, including the UV, CSIC, the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), the Center for Energy, Environmental, and Technological Research (CIEMAT), and the company Added Value Solutions S.L. (AVS).

Participants and Attendees

The roundtable discussion during the project presentation included:

  • Raquel Yotti, Commissioner of the Vanguard Health PERTE (Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation),
  • Carlos Ferrer, Head of Radiotherapy Oncology at the Castellón Provincial Hospital Consortium,
  • Juan Fuster, Research Professor at the IFIC,
  • José Manuel Pérez, Director of the CIEMAT Technology Division,
  • Kauzar Saleh Contell, R&D Director at AVS,
  • María Vega Gil, Director of Certification and Innovation Procurement at CDTI,
  • Marta Puyol, Research Director at the Spanish Association Against Cancer.

Other attendees included:

  • Paterna Mayor Juan Antonio Sagredo,
  • CSIC President Eloísa del Pino,
  • UV Vice Chancellor of Research Carlos Hermenegildo,
  • IFIC Director Nuria Rius,
  • CDTI General Director José Moisés Martín, among others.

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics Earns Certification as a Competence Center in Chip Technology and Co-Organizes the ChipNation Conference

Source: IFIC News

The Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) has approved funding for the creation of a network of centers specialized in semiconductor design in Spain, called MicroNanoSpain. This initiative includes participation by the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), a joint center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Valencia (UV). The project was presented by a consortium of universities, research centers, and Spanish business associations, within the European call for Competence Centers in Chip Design. Its goal is to strengthen the semiconductor industry across the continent.

The Chips for Europe Programme considers these Competence Centers essential to enhance the visibility of the sector and provide open and non-discriminatory access to technological infrastructures. Furthermore, they will play a pivotal role in creating educational and training networks, connecting institutions with Europe’s network of specialized centers. The Competence Centers for Chip Technology (CCC), established under the framework of Chips JU and the EU Chips Act, will provide access to advanced knowledge, experimentation, and prototyping. They aim to help businesses, particularly SMEs, enhance their design and development capabilities in semiconductor-based products.

The CCCs will offer a range of services to all stakeholders in the semiconductor industry, including startups and SMEs, to foster innovation and growth in this key sector. These services include:

  • Facilitating access to design platforms and “pilot lines.”
  • Supporting stakeholders in developing semiconductor solutions (technology transfer).
  • Providing access to skill training.
  • Enabling connections to the European Network of Competence Centers.
  • Promoting the “Chips Fund” and facilitating access to venture capital.
  • Raising awareness, promoting services, and showcasing success stories.


IFIC as an Associate Center

IFIC boasts state-of-the-art facilities in computing, electronics, and mechanics. These facilities have been crucial for IFIC to lead the development of advanced technology detectors. The institute’s capabilities are evidenced by its ability to construct and test detector systems and instrumentation for large-scale physics experiments. Key resources include its cleanroom facility and the electronics laboratory, which, with its high-end equipment and skilled personnel, can contribute to all stages of R&D in sensors and electronics (front-end and back-end) through to delivering complete systems, including integration and quality control.

“The certification of IFIC as a Competence Center in semiconductor technologies acknowledges our over three decades of excellence in silicon technology development, from early R&D stages and high-tech innovation solutions to producing complete systems for major nuclear, particle, and astrophysics experiments worldwide,” said Carlos Mariñas, researcher and IFIC representative within the MicroNanoSpain Competence Center.


IFIC’s Representation at ChipNation Conferences

On December 2–3, Valencia hosted the second edition of ChipNation, a leading national conference for the microchip sector. Carlos Mariñas delivered a presentation on the Advanced Materials Chair of UV, introducing IFIC’s capabilities and detailing two projects underway with FYLA Laser and DECTRIS in this context.

“The organization of the ChipNation conference in Valencia is a strong endorsement of the robust semiconductor ecosystem in the city. IFIC, as a reference center in the sector, plays a significant role in organizing and developing this event,” Mariñas added.

The IFIC Business Innovation Scientific Unit (UCIE) also attended the conference, engaging in discussions on technology transfer and participating in networking activities. This unit will act as a gateway for businesses and administrations seeking access to IFIC’s services and infrastructure offered through the MicroNanoSpain Competence Center.

The conference, held at CaixaForum Valencia, aimed to establish a clear roadmap for investment by businesses and public administrations at a critical moment for the sector on a continental scale. The Spanish Association of the Semiconductor Industry (AESEMI), in collaboration with Valencia Silicon Cluster (VASIC), emphasized this point in a statement.

IFIC’s Other Key Collaborations in the Sector

Carlos Mariñas has also been invited to join the Semiconductors Working Group for the report on “The Future of European Competitiveness,” commonly referred to as the Draghi Report.

“This is a pivotal moment for the sector, and we must not forget that actions in semiconductors and microelectronics have a direct impact on many aspects of our daily lives. The Draghi Report extensively identifies several shortcomings in various fields within the EU and outlines potential actions to regain or maintain our leadership against other markets. The working group I am part of will aim to adapt these proposed policies to our country’s realities and propose tailored measures suited to the characteristics of our production system,” Mariñas explained.

Mario Draghi, an Italian economist, former Prime Minister of Italy, and former President of the European Central Bank, was commissioned by the European Commission to draft a report presenting his personal vision on the future of European competitiveness. The report highlights industrial and business challenges within the single market and offers a new roadmap for sustainable prosperity and competitiveness in Europe.

IFIC shines at the Valencia Digital Summit 2024 with an active role in innovation and technology transfer

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), a center belonging to the University of Valencia and the CSIC, played a leading role at the recent Valencia Digital Summit (VDS) 2024, contributing its expertise in both technology transfer and participation in activities that reward talent and technological innovation.

During the event, held at the City of Arts and Sciences on October 23 and 24, the agents from the innovation and transfer unit UCIE-IFIC actively collaborated at the University of Valencia’s stand, providing attendees with information about the university’s transfer capabilities and projects, as well as connecting with interested parties for future collaborations and strategic alliances in the fields of applied science and innovation.

The intervention of IFIC was particularly relevant in one of the round tables at the event, where Luis Caballero, an IFIC researcher and CEO of the spin-off HYBRIMS, shared his experience in creating this new spin-off company, demonstrating how cutting-edge research can lead to technological applications for the benefit of society. The debate, moderated by Kristin Suleng, communications officer at the Parc Científic de la Universitat de València Foundation, also included representatives from other innovative companies and faculty from the University of Valencia, promoting the essential role of spin-offs as engines of knowledge transfer from the university to the market.

Additionally, recently graduated master’s student in Nuclear and Particle Physics and IFIC collaborator, Pablo Copete Garrido, had an outstanding performance in the Summit hackathon, where, together with his team, he won The Challenge after developing an innovative solution for a challenge proposed by Naturgy for the detection and prevention of fires in photovoltaic plants. His proposal, which integrated drones and artificial intelligence technology, was selected among numerous submissions in a two-phase competition, with seventy students participating, selected from over three hundred candidates. This achievement highlights IFIC’s commitment to training and supporting young talent in the fields of technology and applied science.

Through its presence and activities at the Valencia Digital Summit 2024, IFIC has demonstrated its leadership not only in research but also in the transfer of knowledge to industrial sectors and in promoting collaborative innovation, positioning itself as a key entity within the Valencian innovation ecosystem.

The IFIC Receives Severo Ochoa Accreditation as a Center of Excellence from Minister Diana Morant

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), a joint center of the University of Valencia and the CSIC, received accreditation as a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence last week during a ceremony presided over by the Minister of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Diana Morant. Representatives from all centers and units accredited in this excellence program between 2018 and the present attended the event. Also present were the Director of the State Research Agency, Domènec Espriu, the President of the CSIC, Eloísa del Pino, the Rector of the University of Valencia, María Vicenta Mestre, and the President of the Scientific Committee of the “la Caixa” Foundation, Javier Solana.

The Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence and María de Maeztu Units of Excellence program aims to enhance the quality of Spanish scientific research by recognizing research organizations that stand out for the relevance and impact of their activities. This recognition is awarded through a competitive call for applications, which are evaluated by an international scientific committee. The evaluation criteria include the global impact of the research, the generation of cutting-edge knowledge, the ability to train and attract international human resources, collaboration with other high-level research centers, and knowledge transfer and dissemination activities to society. The recognized centers and units span a wide range of scientific disciplines, from mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering to the humanities and social sciences, including life sciences and medicine.

IFIC has received the Severo Ochoa distinction for the second time, following an initial phase during 2015-2019. This time, the project has been awarded for four years, with a total funding of approximately 5.5 million euros, while the accreditation is valid for six years, until March 2030. In addition to the social and scientific recognition, this accreditation grants priority access to other initiatives aimed at promoting research.

At the event, held at the CaixaForum in Madrid, Minister Morant highlighted the “profound transformative capacity” of these excellence institutions to contribute, through science, to addressing the challenges Spain faces as a country. “You are proof that science, well-being, and democracy are three indisputable and inseparable pillars that we must care for and strengthen,” she said.

About IFIC

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, CSIC-UV) is a pioneer in Spain in research in particle physics, nuclear physics, and astroparticle physics, as well as in their applications in medical physics and other fields of science and technology. IFIC has a long history of participation in international scientific projects, alongside institutions such as CERN and Fermilab, and its researchers are at the forefront of scientific knowledge in fundamental physics.

Thanks to this distinction, IFIC aims to bring fundamental research closer to society, promoting a deeper integration of science into the social and economic fabric. To achieve this, a strategy has been designed based on innovative initiatives in areas such as quantum technologies, medical physics, and advanced instrumentation, which are essential for advancing scientific knowledge and have great potential to generate applications with direct impact on everyday life in fields such as health, energy, and communications. An essential component of this program is strengthening technology transfer, including partnerships with companies and other innovation centers, to facilitate the practical application of these research efforts.

Additionally, the Severo Ochoa project at IFIC is strongly committed to training new generations of researchers, providing them with the tools necessary to face emerging technological challenges, such as those arising from advances in artificial intelligence. “This strategic plan, in addition to strengthening and diversifying our research, is designed to anticipate and respond to future challenges. Science is constantly evolving, and with this approach, we want to ensure that IFIC remains at the forefront in developing new technologies and creating solutions that benefit society as a whole,” said Verónica Sanz, principal investigator of the Severo Ochoa project at IFIC

Success in the Artificial Intelligence Workshop for SMEs

On June 18, the workshop “Digital Mindset: BOOST YOUR COMPETITIVENESS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” was held with great success at the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, aimed at companies in the Valencian Community with international potential. This event, organized by the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, ENN_Seimed, and the UCIE IFIC, brought together more than a dozen entrepreneurs and businesspeople interested in learning how artificial intelligence (AI) can transform their businesses.

During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to learn about the practical applications of AI in different business areas from José Enrique García Navarro, coordinator of the Business Innovation Scientific Unit at IFIC. Additionally, the tools and resources that the INNDIH project, in which UV, CSIC, EEN_SEIMED participate as consortium members, were presented to SMEs. With support from technicians, participants conducted a personalized assessment of their level of digitalization, delving into the opportunities this technology can bring to their processes.

The workshop concluded with a Q&A session where businesspeople could resolve their doubts and receive personalized advice on how to implement AI in their businesses. The organizers announced that, due to the success of this edition, future sessions are being planned to continue supporting SMEs in their digital transformation.

The MICIU Presents for Public Information the Draft Royal Decree That Develops the Transfer Six-Year Term and Expands the Scope of the Research Five-Year Terms

Source: MICIU

  • This procedure will be open for 15 days to collect contributions and comments from those who are interested in doing so.
  • The Minister of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Diana Morant, has highlighted that, with this procedure, the MICIU takes a new step towards the approval of this Royal Decree, so demanded by the scientific and university community of our country, as included in the Law of Science, Technology, and Innovation.

The Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICIU) has presented for public information the draft Royal Decree that develops the transfer six-year term and expands the scope of application of the research five-year terms, as included in the new Law of Science, Technology, and Innovation. This procedure will be open for 15 days to collect contributions and comments from those who are interested in doing so.
In the case of the transfer six-year terms, there is an objective expansion of their scope with incentives that will reach not only the research activity, as was the case until now, but also the transfer of research results carried out by career civil servant researchers belonging to the Public Research Organizations (OPIs) of the General State Administration.
In the case of the five-year terms for research personnel of the Public Research Organizations (OPIs), these will evaluate and recognize for the first time all the research merits previously achieved in the public sector and in any university, both in Spain and abroad. Until now, the five-year terms only recognized experience in the OPIs of our country.
The Minister of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Diana Morant, has highlighted that, with this procedure, “the MICIU takes a new step towards the approval of this Royal Decree, so demanded by the scientific and university community of our country,” as included in the Law of Science.
Morant explained that this Royal Decree “will promote the dissemination of science throughout society, to businesses and public administrations, as we incentivize the transfer of research results. It is essential that these results reach the public and that they can benefit from them.”
In short, Morant assured, “it represents a fundamental advance for Spain to become a knowledge-based country and to place science at the center of its policies.”

Link: Draft Royal Decree that modifies various royal decrees regulating the evaluations of research personnel of the Public Research Organizations and the teaching and research personnel of public universities.

A Unique Scanner Developed to Plan Proton Therapy for Cancer

Source: CSIC Press Release

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (CSIC-UV), the Institute of Structure of Matter (CSIC), and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) have developed the first entirely Spanish scanner for proton tomography.

A collaboration led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and consisting of the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), a joint center of CSIC and the University of Valencia, the Institute of Structure of Matter (IEM-CSIC), and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), has successfully developed the first entirely Spanish scanner for proton tomography. This new device allows images to be obtained from the particles used in proton therapy, a new technique for treating cancer, thereby enabling better treatment dose planning. The initial results of this project were recently published in The European Physical Journal Plus.

Proton therapy is an advanced form of cancer treatment that uses protons. In recent years, it has gained popularity due to its advantages over conventional radiotherapy, as the characteristics of these particles, which make up the atomic nucleus, allow them to deposit almost all their energy in tumor cells while barely affecting healthy tissue. However, to properly plan the treatment, medical images of the patient are required.

Currently, these images are obtained with X-rays through what are known as computed axial tomographies (CT scans). However, the subsequent treatment is carried out with proton beams, not X-rays (composed of photons, the particles of light), which introduces uncertainties in treatment planning and dose calculation.

A possible solution to this problem would be to obtain images directly with protons. The innovative scanner developed by the Spanish collaboration led by CSIC is the first of its kind in Spain to achieve this goal, the researchers highlight. “Although it is currently a preclinical scanner that has obtained images of small mannequins, the results have been promising and have demonstrated the feasibility of the concept,” says Enrique Nácher, a CSIC scientist at IFIC who is leading this project.

The research team has combined a set of tracking detectors and a high-resolution energy scintillator to detect the residual energy of the protons. They used several mannequins irradiated with protons at a proton therapy center in Krakow, Poland. The mannequins were measured at different angles to obtain images reconstructed by filtered back projection, which were used to determine the scanner’s capabilities and validate its use as a proton computed tomography (proton-CT) scanner.

According to the results of the article, the scanner can produce medium-high quality images, with a resolution comparable to that of other state-of-the-art scanners. In the researchers’ opinion, if the system is properly scaled, it could be used to obtain images of patients before proton therapy, significantly improving treatment planning accuracy. “This would allow optimizing dose deposition in cancerous tissue while minimizing exposure to healthy tissue,” explains the IFIC researcher.

Resource Reuse

The proton scanner developed by the collaboration between the Institute of Corpuscular Physics, the Institute of Structure of Matter, and the Complutense University of Madrid was built by reusing instrumentation and materials from old prototypes of other nuclear physics projects that were no longer useful for their original purposes. This approach has maximized the reuse of resources without the need to invest in new instrumentation, promoting efficient and sustainable use of existing resources, its promoters highlight.

The accreditation of the Universitat de València as a Knowledge Transfer Office will provide more funding and resources

The Universitat de València (UV) has been registered in the official registry of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities as a Knowledge Transfer Office (CTO). With the acceptance of its registration, in addition to the official recognition of its transfer trajectory, the institution will have access to new government and European funds, more resources for internationalisation, better technical support and advice, or new infrastructure and equipment.

The TTOs were created as a result of the Transfer and Collaboration Plan of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, within the framework of the promotion of innovation, knowledge transfer, dissemination and scientific, technological and innovative culture. They are defined as the set of organisational structures that carry out transfer functions and have permanent staff. A new concept of TTO is therefore established, not linked to a ‘physical office’ – as were the OTRIs (Research Results Transfer Offices) – but linked to the exercise of transfer functions.

The recognition and registration of the Universitat de València as a TTO has been achieved after accrediting that the UV has a transfer ecosystem made up of the different structures that adopt, as their own, the knowledge transfer functions defined by the Ministry.

Under the umbrella of the vice-rectorships for Innovation and Transfer; Research; and Studies, the transfer functions carried out in the departments, research institutes, ERIs and Doctoral School, which could be considered as the ‘basic transfer structures’, were highlighted. In addition, those carried out by the AgrotecUV High Technology Incubator, the Unit for Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC+i), UVEmpren, UVCàtedres, ParcUV, UCIEs and innovation agents were also highlighted and highlighted. To these must be added those of the central services: the Transfer and Innovation Service and the Research Management Service.

The transfer functions recognised to the UV with this registration are the protection of the results of Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+I); the exploitation of research results, inventions and new technologies through any type of contract that involves the transfer of its use or ownership to third parties; collaborative research between public and private entities; the contracting of R+D+I and technological services; the promotion of the creation of knowledge-based entities (formerly spin-offs) and the social dissemination of knowledge.

Among the new funds that the UV will be able to access are those of the Spanish Government specifically aimed at supporting knowledge transfer and innovation, on applied research, technology development, staff training or protection of industrial property.

The Valencian academic institution will also be able to increase the number and quality of European Union funding schemes that support research, innovation and technology transfer, including Horizon Europe, the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation.

Registration as an OTC office will also provide the Universitat de València with greater resources for its internationalisation, through assistance in establishing international collaborations, participating in fairs and events and accessing exchange and mobility programmes for entrepreneurial and research staff.

The improvement of technical support and advice for R&D&I projects and their transfer, in matters such as the management of intellectual property or the development of new strategies, will be provided by the Spanish Government through the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, as well as other transfer entities.

Also, with the registration as an OTC, the UV will be able to benefit from funding programmes with which to access highly specialised infrastructure and equipment in research and technological development, in technology transfer projects that require academic or industrial partners.