The new call for applications to use the Artemisa infrastructure for research work requiring artificial intelligence and machine learning calculations will be open from 9 September to  6 Octoberof 2024.

In this call, all research groups from Spanish public universities and public research organisations may apply for the use of the infrastructure.

Artemisa currently has 23 servers each hosting an NVIDIA Volta V100 GPU, 11 servers with an NVIDIA Ampere A100 GPU and one server with 8 NVIDIA Ampere A100 GPUs. The servers are especially suited for artificial intelligence computations. In addition to these servers, which are to be used in batch mode, two interfaces are available where users can pre-test their programs. It also has a state-of-the-art storage system and state-of-the-art CPUs.

Groups wishing to use Artemisa should apply on its website: href=””>

following the instructions given therein.

Applications will be evaluated by a committee that will take into account the scientific interest of the proposals, the track record of the proposing group, the suitability of the calculations to the use of Artemisa resources, in particular the use of artificial intelligence, and the availability of infrastructure. Additionally, its social impact may be taken into account, especially if the objectives of the project are included in the RIS3 priority matrix of the Valencian Region.

ARTEMISA is co-financed by the European Union and the Conselleria d’Educació, Universitats i Ocupació of the Generalitat Valenciana through the project IDIFEDER/2018/048 of the Operational Programme ERDF 2014-2020 of the Comunitat Valenciana. With the support of the Ministry MCIU with funds from the European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I01) and the Generalitat Valenciana (ASFAE/2022/024).