From January 10th to February 6th 2022 will be open the call to apply for the use of the Artemisa infrastructure for research work that requires computing in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

To this call can apply any research group of the Spanish public universities or public research centres.

Artemisa is currently composed of 23 servers that host one NVIDIA GPU Volta V100 each, 11 servers with one GPU NVIDIA Ampere A100 and a server with 8 GPUs of the said model. The servers are especially suitable for computing in artificial intelligence. In addition to these servers, which must be used in “batch” mode, there are two interfaces where the users can previously test their software. Artemisa also boasts a last generation CPU and storage system.

To apply, research groups should use Artemisa’s web site:

and follow the steps described there.

The applications will be evaluated by a committee that will take into account the scientific interest of the application, the research group record, the adequacy to the Artemisa’s resources of the computation proposed, in particular the use of artificial intelligence, and the availability of the requested resources. Additionally, the societal impact of the proposal could be taken into account, especially if its objectives are listed in the priority matrix of the RIS3 of Comunitat Valenciana.

Artemisa is funded by the European Union and the Conselleria of Education, Research, Culture and Sports of the Generalitat Valenciana through the Project IDIFEDER/2018/048 of the Operative Programme FEDER 2014-2020 of the Comunitat Valenciana.